Monday, March 24, 2014

Pentagonal numbers from 1 to 100- Python

1:  '''  
2:  Program to generate pentagonal numbers  
3:  for a maximum size of 100.  
4:  Pentagonal numbers of the form (3*n-1)(n/2)  
5:  Created on Mar 24, 2014  
6:  @author: Mridul J Kurup  
7:  '''  
8:  MAX_SIZE=100  
10:  # Pentagonal Numbers  
11:  def generatePentagonalNumbers(size):  
12:    if(size<=MAX_SIZE):  
13:      rowCtr=0  
14:      print("The pentagonal numbers are : ")  
15:      #get the max number of digits  
16:      maxdigit=computeNoOfDigits(round((3*size-1)*(size/2)))  
17:      size=size+1 #incrementing to reach 100  
18:      for i in range(START_INDEX,size):  
19:        rowCtr+=1  
20:        candidate=round((3*i-1)*(i/2))  
21:        noOfSpaces=maxdigit-computeNoOfDigits(candidate)  
22:        print(candidate, end=computeGap(noOfSpaces," "))  
23:        if rowCtr==10:   
24:          print()  
25:          rowCtr=0  
26:  # method to compute the no of digits          
27:  def computeNoOfDigits(number):  
28:    digit=0  
29:    while(number>0):  
30:      number=number//10;  
31:      digit+=1  
32:    return digit  
33:  # compute the number of gaps  
34:  # char specifies the char to be filled in  
35:  def computeGap(size, char):  
36:    space=char  
37:    size+=1  
38:    for i in range(1,size):  
39:      space+=char  
40:    return space  
41:  '''  
42:  method invocation  
43:  '''  
44:  generatePentagonalNumbers(int(  
45:    eval(input("Enter the size of the numbers : "))))  

Monte Carlo Simulation- Python

1:  '''  
2:  Program to compute the value of PI and to compute   
3:  the hit rate on the odd segments of a square  
4:  using Monte Carlo Simulation  
5:  Created on Mar 24, 2014  
6:  @author: Mridul J Kurup  
7:  '''  
8:  import random, sys  
9:  # method to compute the value of PI using monte carlo simulation  
10:  def MonteCarloSimulation(datasize):  
11:    datasize+=datasize # incrementing for end value  
12:    hitsWithinCircle=0  
13:    for i in range(datasize):  
14:      x=random.random()  
15:      y=random.random()   
16:      if x*x+y*y <= 1 :  
17:        hitsWithinCircle+=1  
18:    print("PI is : ",(4*hitsWithinCircle/datasize))    
19:  # method to compute the hit rate on a square  
20:  # divided into four parts.With part 2 and 3 half the size of 1 or 4.  
21:  # objective is to see the hit rate on the odd number regions  
22:  # As per the diagram the hit rate should be around 62.5%  
23:  def AdvancedMonteCarloSimulation(datasize):  
24:      datasize+=datasize # incrementing for end value  
25:      hitsInOdd=0  
26:      hitsInEven=0  
27:      for i in range(datasize):  
28:        x=random.random()*2  
29:        y=random.random()*2   
30:        # region of 1  
31:        if (x>0 and x<=1 and y>0 and y<=2):  
32:          hitsInOdd+=1  
33:        # region of 3  
34:        elif ((x>1 and x<=2) and (y>1 and y<=2) and (x*y <=2.25)):  
35:          hitsInOdd+=1  
36:        else:  
37:          hitsInEven+=1  
38:      print("The probability of the dart falling in odd region is : ",  
39:         round((hitsInOdd/datasize),4))  
40:      print("The probability of the dart falling in even region is : ",  
41:         round((hitsInEven/datasize),4))  
42:  '''   
43:  Function invocations  
44:  '''  
45:  # MonteCarloSimulation(int(eval(input("Enter the number of data points: "))))   
46:  # Throwing darts  
47:  MIN_RANGE=1  
48:  MAX_RANGE=100000  
49:  sentinel=True  
50:  while sentinel:  
51:    datasize=int(eval(input("Enter the no of simulations ({0}-{1}): ".  
52:                format(MIN_RANGE,MAX_RANGE))))  
53:    if (datasize<MIN_RANGE or datasize>MAX_RANGE):  
54:      print("Please enter data within range")  
55:      break  
56:    else:  
57:      AdvancedMonteCarloSimulation(datasize)  

Friday, March 21, 2014

Recursion-Fibonacci number generation with caching to prevent exponential time computation

1:  package;  
2:  import java.util.Arrays;  
3:  import;  
4:  /*  
5:   * Program to calculate Fibonacci  
6:   * numbers using Recursion.  
7:   * This Recursion implements a cache to   
8:   * increase the speed  
9:   */  
10:  public class Recursion {  
11:       //constants  
12:       private static final int CACHE_SIZE=100;  
13:       private static final int MAX_SIZE=92;  
14:       //static variables  
15:       private static Recursion rec;  
16:       private static long[] cache;  
17:       private static String error_message;  
18:       /**  
19:        * Default Constructor  
20:        */  
21:       public Recursion(){  
22:            //create cache and add first two numbers  
23:            cache=new long[CACHE_SIZE];  
24:            //initializing array to zero  
25:            Arrays.fill(cache,0);  
26:            cache[0]=0;  
27:            cache[1]=1;  
28:            error_message=String.format(  
29:                      "Please enter a valid positive integer in the range 0-%d !",  
30:                      MAX_SIZE);  
31:       }  
32:       /**  
33:        * main  
34:        * @param args  
35:        */  
36:       public static void main(String[] args) {  
37:            try{  
38:                 int size=0;  
39:                 rec= new Recursion();  
40:                 //infinite loop  
41:                 do{                      
42:                      System.out.println(  
43:                                "Enter the size of fibonacci numbers: ");  
44:                      size=Integer.parseInt(  
45:                                Console.readFromConsole());  
46:                      if(validate(size)){       
47:                           System.out.println(  
48:                                     "The fibonacci sum is : ");  
49:                           System.out.println(rec.computeFibonacci(size));  
50:                      }else{  
51:                           System.out.println(error_message);  
52:                      }  
53:                 }while(size<0);                      
54:            }catch(NumberFormatException ne){  
55:                 System.out.println(error_message);  
56:            }  
57:            catch(Throwable t){  
58:                 t.printStackTrace();  
59:            }  
60:       }  
61:       /*  
62:        * method to validate data  
63:        */  
64:       private static boolean validate(int size) {  
65:            if(size>=0 && size<=MAX_SIZE){  
66:                 return true;  
67:            }  
68:            return false;  
69:       }  
70:       /*  
71:        * method which calculates the fibonacci sequence  
72:        *   
73:        */  
74:       private long computeFibonacci(int size) {  
75:            if(size==0)return 0;  
76:            if(size==1)return 1;  
77:            if(cache[size]!=0) return cache[size];  
78:            cache[size]=computeFibonacci(size-1)+computeFibonacci(size-2);  
79:            return cache[size];  
80:       }  
81:  //End of Recursion  
82:  }  

Program to wrap up Console input without using inbuilt NIO

1:  package;  
2:  import;  
3:  import;  
4:  import;  
5:  /**  
6:   * Helper class to ease Console read  
7:   * @author Mridul J Kurup  
8:   * @date 2014-03-21  
9:   */  
10:  public class Console {  
11:       /*  
12:        * private default constructor  
13:        */  
14:       private Console(){  
15:            //marking default constructor as private  
16:            //to prevent initialization  
17:       }  
18:       /*  
19:        * method to read from console  
20:        */  
21:       public static String readFromConsole() throws IOException{  
22:            BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(  
23:                      new InputStreamReader(;  
24:            return br.readLine();  
25:       }  
26:  //End of Console  
27:  }  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Euclid's Algorithm to calculate the GCD and LCM of two given positive integers

1:  package;  
2:  import;  
3:  import;  
4:  import;  
5:  /**Program to compute GCD and LCM of two numbers  
6:   * by using EuclidsAlgorithm  
7:   * @author Mridul Jayan  
8:   * @date 03/18/2014  
9:   */  
10:  public class EuclidsAlgorithm {  
11:       /*  
12:        * main method  
13:        */  
14:       public static void main(String[] args) {  
15:            try{  
16:                 int gcd=0,lcm=0;  
17:                 EuclidsAlgorithm ea=new EuclidsAlgorithm();  
18:                 int num1=Integer.parseInt(ea.readConsoleInput(  
19:                           "Enter the first number : "));  
20:                 int num2=Integer.parseInt(ea.readConsoleInput(  
21:                           "Enter the second number : "));  
22:                 //re-align parameters based on size  
23:                 if(num1<0 || num2<0){  
24:                      System.out.println("\nPlease do not enter negative integers.");  
25:                 }else if(num1==0 || num2==0){  
26:                      System.out.println("\nThe GCD and LCM if one input is 0 is 0.");  
27:                 }else{  
28:                      if(num1<num2){  
29:                           int temp=num1;  
30:                           num1=num2;  
31:                           num2=temp;  
32:                      }  
33:                      //calculate gcd and lcm  
34:                      gcd=ea.computeGCD(num1,num2);  
35:                      lcm=ea.computeLCM(num1,num2,gcd);  
36:                      System.out.println(String.format(  
37:                                "\nThe GCD is %d and the LCM is %d\n"  
38:                                +"for the numbers %d and %d."  
39:                                ,gcd,lcm,num1,num2));  
40:                 }  
41:            }catch(Throwable t){  
42:                 t.printStackTrace();  
43:            }  
44:       }  
45:       /*  
46:        * method to read input from console   
47:        */  
48:       private String readConsoleInput(String message) throws IOException{  
49:            System.out.println(message);  
50:            //read input from console  
51:            BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(  
52:                      new InputStreamReader(;       
53:            return br.readLine();       
54:       }  
55:       /*  
56:        * method to compute GCD  
57:        * using Euclid's Algorithm  
58:        */  
59:       private int computeGCD(int large, int small){  
60:            int rem;  
61:            do{  
62:                 rem=large%small;  
63:                 large=small;  
64:                 small=rem;  
65:            }while(rem>0);  
66:            //large will contain the gcd  
67:            System.out.println("large : "+large);  
68:            return large;  
69:       }  
70:       /*  
71:        * method to compute LCM  
72:        * as a result of the product of the numbers  
73:        * divided by their GCD  
74:        */  
75:       private int computeLCM(int large, int small, int gcd){  
76:            return ((large*small)/gcd);  
77:       }  
78:  //End of EuclidsAlgorithm       
79:  }  

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sieve of Eratosthenes- Prime number Generator

1:  package;  
2:  import;  
3:  import;  
4:  import;  
5:  import java.util.Arrays;  
6:  /**Program to compute the prime numbers  
7:   * by using the Sieve of Eratosthenes  
8:   * @author Mridul Jayan  
9:   * @date 03/17/2014  
10:   */  
11:  public class SieveOfEratosthenes{  
12:       /*  
13:        * main method-program starting point  
14:        */  
15:       public static void main(String[] args) {  
16:            try{  
17:                 SieveOfEratosthenes soe=new SieveOfEratosthenes();            
18:                 int limit=Integer.parseInt(soe.readConsoleInput(  
19:                           "Enter the limit till prime is to be generated:"));  
20:                 System.out.println(String.format(  
21:                           "The prime numbers from 0 till %d are : ", limit));  
22:                 int prime=0; //index for the primes  
23:                 //increment limit by one to account for zero index  
24:                 for(boolean candidate:soe.computePrime(++limit)){  
25:                      if(candidate){  
26:                           System.out.println(prime);  
27:                      }  
28:                      ++prime;  
29:                 }  
30:            }catch(Throwable t){  
31:                 System.out.println("An error occured!");  
32:                 t.printStackTrace();  
33:            }  
34:       }  
35:       /*  
36:        * method to generate prime  
37:        * based on Sieve of Eratosthenes  
38:        */  
39:       private boolean[] computePrime(int limit){  
40:            boolean[] prime=new boolean[limit];  
41:            //assume that all numbers are prime by default  
42:            Arrays.fill(prime,true);  
43:            //setting 0 and 1 as non-primes  
44:            prime[0]=false;  
45:            prime[1]=false;  
46:            //starting from 2 use the sieve to weed out non-primes  
47:            int index=2;  
48:            //speed up technique  
49:            int sqrRoot=(int)Math.sqrt(limit);  
50:            while(index<sqrRoot){  
51:                 if(prime[index]){  
52:                      //eliminate all multiples of that index  
53:                      for(int ctr=index*index;ctr<limit;ctr=ctr+index){  
54:                           prime[ctr]=false;  
55:                      }  
56:                 }  
57:                 //increment to the next prime       
58:                 ++index;  
59:            }  
60:            return prime;  
61:       }  
62:       /*  
63:        * method to read input from console   
64:        */  
65:       private String readConsoleInput(String message) throws IOException{  
66:            System.out.println(message);  
67:            //read input from console  
68:            BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(  
69:                      new InputStreamReader(;       
70:            return br.readLine();       
71:       }  
72:  //End of Sieve of Eratosthenes       
73:  }  

Program to Crash JVM-Attempt 2- Linear Solution-Takes time

1:  package;  
2:  import java.util.ArrayList;  
3:  /**Program to crash the JVM  
4:   * as per a problem on the Passionate  
5:   * Programmer book. This solution results  
6:   * in an OutOfMemory Error. The actual  
7:   * solution might require JNI as per  
8:   * discussion on forums   
10:   * @author Mridul Jayan  
11:   * @date 03/17/2014  
12:   */  
13:  public class CrashJVM2 implements Runnable {  
14:       static int instanceCount=0;  
15:       ArrayList<CrashJVM2> instances;  
16:       public static void main(String... args){  
17:            try{  
18:                 System.out.println("Attempting Crash JVM 2");  
19:                 ArrayList<Thread> threadInstances=new ArrayList<Thread>();  
20:                 Thread t;  
21:                 //linear solution-takes more time to crash  
22:                 while(true){  
23:                      ++instanceCount;  
24:                      t=new Thread(new CrashJVM2());  
25:                      t.start();  
26:                      threadInstances.add(t);  
27:                 }  
28:            }catch(Throwable t){  
29:                 if(t instanceof OutOfMemoryError){  
30:                      System.out.println("JVM Crashed due to OutOfMemoryError!");  
31:                 }  
32:                 t.printStackTrace();  
33:            }  
34:       }  
35:       @Override  
36:       public void run() {  
37:            // TODO Auto-generated method stub  
38:            System.out.println("Created Instance : "+instanceCount);  
39:            int count=0;  
40:            System.out.println("Starting Infinite Loop!");  
41:            while(true){  
42:                 System.out.println("Inside run() for run : "+count);  
43:                 ++count;  
44:            }  
45:       }  
46:  //End of CrashJVM2  
47:  }  

Program to Crash JVM-Attempt 1- Exponential infinite loop

1:  package;  
2:  import java.util.ArrayList;  
3:  /**Program to crash the JVM  
4:   * as per a problem on the Passionate  
5:   * Programmer book. This solution results  
6:   * in an OutOfMemory Error. The actual  
7:   * solution might require JNI as per  
8:   * discussion on forums   
10:   * @author Mridul Jayan  
11:   * @date 03/09/2014  
12:   */  
13:  public class CrashJVM implements Runnable {  
14:       @Override  
15:       public void run() {  
16:            System.out.println("Attempting to Crash JVM!");  
17:            ArrayList<CrashJVM> crashJVM=new ArrayList<CrashJVM>();  
18:            int ctr=0;  
19:            double expctr=0.0;  
20:            //exponentials tend to scale faster  
21:            while(true){  
22:                 expctr=Math.exp((double)ctr);  
23:                 for(double ictr=0.0;ictr<expctr;ictr++){  
24:                      crashJVM.add(new CrashJVM());  
25:                      System.out.println("Created Instance "+(++ctr));  
26:                 }  
27:            }  
28:       }  
29:       public static void main(String[] args) {  
30:            try {  
31:                 ArrayList<Thread> childThread=new ArrayList<Thread>();  
32:                 while(true){  
33:                      Thread t=new Thread(new CrashJVM());  
34:                      childThread.add(t);  
35:                      t.start();  
36:                 }  
37:            }catch(Throwable t){  
38:                 if(t instanceof OutOfMemoryError){  
39:                      System.out.println("The JVM has crashed!");  
40:                 }  
41:                 t.printStackTrace();  
42:            }  
43:       }  
44:  //End of CrashJVM  
45:  }  

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Program to shift all zeros in an integer array to the end

1:  package;  
2:  import;  
3:  import;  
4:  /**  
5:   * Program to all sort zeros to end of an  
6:   * integer array. The algorithm is O(n)  
7:   * @author Mridul J Kurup  
8:   * @date 03/17/2014  
9:   *   
10:   */  
11:  public class NumSort{  
12:       static int len=0;  
13:       static int data[];  
14:       /*  
15:        * Private static method to sort the array  
16:        * with all zeros transposed to the end  
17:        */  
18:       private static void sortArray(String input){  
19:            data=new int[len];  
20:            int numOfZeroes=0;  
21:            //store all non zero digits  
22:            System.out.println("The re-arranged numbers are : ");  
23:            for(int index=0;index<len;index++){  
24:                 int currDigit=Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf  
25:                           (input.charAt(index)));  
26:                 //skip if zero is encountered   
27:                 if(currDigit==0){  
28:                      ++numOfZeroes;  
29:                      continue;  
30:                 }else{  
31:                      //add rest of the digits to array   
32:                      data[index]=currDigit;  
33:                      System.out.print(data[index]);  
34:                 }  
35:            }  
36:            //attach all zeros to end  
37:            for(int index=(len-numOfZeroes-1);index<len;index++){  
38:                 data[index]=0;  
39:                 System.out.print(data[index]);  
40:            }  
41:            //new line  
42:            System.out.println();  
43:       }  
44:       /*  
45:        * program start point  
46:        */  
47:       public static void main(String... args) {  
48:            try{            
49:                 System.out.println("Enter the int array including zeros");  
50:                 BufferedReader bsr=new BufferedReader(  
51:                           new InputStreamReader(;  
52:                 String input=bsr.readLine();  
53:                 System.out.println("The input is "+input);  
54:                 len=input.length();                 
55:                 //test for length  
56:                 if(len>0){  
57:                      sortArray(input);  
58:                 }else{  
59:                      System.out.println("Please enter valid int array");  
60:                 }  
61:            }catch(Throwable t){  
62:                 t.printStackTrace();  
63:            }  
64:       }  
65:  //End of       
66:  }  

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Problem 1.6.1 - The 3n+1 Problem - Java

1:  package chapter1;  
2:  import java.util.Scanner;  
3:  /**Program to determine the cycle-length of integers  
4:   * Start with an integer n  
5:   * If even-divide the integer n by 2  
6:   * If odd-compute using the formula 3*n+1  
7:   * cycle-length is the number of outputs till n=1   
8:   * n ranges from (0,1000000)-open interval  
9:   * range is given a (i,j)  
10:   *   
11:   * @author mridul  
12:   * @date 03/09/2014  
13:   */  
14:  public class Problem_161 {  
15:       //constant declarations  
16:       private static int MIN_RANGE=0;  
17:       private static int MAX_RANGE=1000000;  
18:       public static void main(String[] args) {  
19:            try {  
20:                 //method variables  
21:                 Scanner scan=new Scanner(;  
22:                 int min, max;  
23:                 System.out.println("Enter two integers in ascending order from "  
24:                           + "the range (0,1000000):");  
25:                 //create a problem instance  
26:                 Problem_161 problem= new Problem_161();  
27:                      System.out.print("Enter first argument : ");  
28:                      min=Integer.parseInt(scan.nextLine());  
29:                      System.out.print("\nEnter second argument : ");  
30:                      max=Integer.parseInt(scan.nextLine());  
31:                      System.out.println("\n\n");  
32:                      scan.close();  
33:                 //proceed if input is valid  
34:                 if(problem.testInput(min,max)){  
35:                      System.out.println("The output in the order min, max, "  
36:                                + "maximum cyclength is : ");                      
37:                      System.out.println(min+" "+max+" "+problem.computeCycleLength(min,max));  
38:                 }else{  
39:                      System.out.println("Invalid Input, please rerun with correct input!");  
40:                 }  
41:            }catch(Exception e){  
42:                 System.out.println("An exception was encountered as given below : ");  
43:                 e.printStackTrace();  
44:            }            
45:       }  
46:       /*private method to compute cycle length  
47:        * returns the cycle length  
48:        */  
49:       int computeCycleLength(int min,int max){  
50:            int cycleMax=0; //max cycle length  
51:            int candidate=min;  
52:            while(candidate<=max){  
53:                 int cycleLength=1; //accounting for 1  
54:                 //if even divide by 2 else compute 3n+1  
55:                 //till candidate is greater than 1  
56:                 while(candidate>1){  
57:                      if(candidate%2==0){  
58:                           candidate=candidate/2;  
59:                      }else{  
60:                           candidate=(3*candidate)+1;                           
61:                      }  
62:                      ++cycleLength;  
63:                 }  
64:                 //increment candidate to next value  
65:                 candidate=++min;       
66:                 //replace cycleMax if cycleLength is greater  
67:                 cycleMax =(cycleLength>cycleMax)? cycleLength:cycleMax;  
68:            }  
69:            return cycleMax;  
70:       }  
71:       /* private method to test input validity  
72:        * provided testLimits method returns true  
73:        * returns true if input is in ascending order   
74:        */  
75:       boolean testInput(int min, int max){  
76:            //if within limits test for order  
77:            if(testLimits(min) && testLimits(max)){  
78:                 if(min<max){  
79:                      return true;  
80:                 }  
81:            }  
82:            return false; //default return            
83:       }  
84:       /*private method to test if input is within limits  
85:        * returns true if condition is satisfied  
86:        */  
87:       boolean testLimits(int number){  
88:            if(number>MIN_RANGE && number<MAX_RANGE){  
89:                 return true;  
90:            }  
91:            return false; //default return  
92:       }  
93:  //End of Problem_161  
94:  }